People have had the notion that worship is limited to religious services that allows them to verbally or non-verbally express their worship of God.
In an earlier post, I said, worship is an expression of our love for God. So whether we sit or stand, work or play if it is an act of love for God or for His people, it is worship. Worship is not about how you are feeling right now, because God as an object of your worship does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Whether you are happy or sad, grumpy or jovial, in mourning or dancing, you can worship because God will welcome your offering. Whether early in the morning, at noon or in the evening wherever you find yourself, worship the Lord.
It is this desire for the uninterrupted presence of the Lord that all worshipers must aspire for. For the Lord says in John 15:9ff: “Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and remain in his love. "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” (NAB)
When we continuously worship God, the enemy has no space to intrude and to cause us to sin. We will be in complete obedience of the Father’s will. Our righteousness will shine like the noonday sun. Our joy will be complete.
Worship Song of the Day…
Lord of righteousness you come in glory
Bright and morning star
All my days, I’ll worship and adore you
Healer of my heart.
Every prayer, every cry
You alone satisfy
We will lift your praise again and again
-High and Lifted Up (New Life Worship)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Worship Concert
The past several weeks have been extremely busy preparing for a big event in the community. We are holding the 2nd worship conference in the Heritage.
"God mounts the throne, amidst shouts of Joy" (Psalms 47:6).
Everyone is excited about it. Sis. Mikmik Rodriguez-Flores has arrived together with the family including the new baby Zechariah. She, together with our Elder, Sis. Techie are giving the plenary topics while some of us worship leaders and music ministry stewards are giving break-out topic sessions for instrumentalists, vocalists, dancers and ministry leaders.
Yesterday was hectic. We rehearsed all the songs and Sis. Mik already gave the final line up of songs. It will be a glorious worship concert that will culminate the conference. God is faithful, He will allow us to once again experience His throneroom, His immense glory.
Come join us. July 25, 2010, 9am to 7pm at The Lord's Flock Heritage Worship and Spiritual Formation Center, 5 Catanduanes St., (near cor Del Monte and West Ave) Quezon City. Conference fee with break-out sessions are at P1000 (with free lunch) and for general worship topics P500. See you all there!

Worship song of the day:
More than a nice melody
More than the sweetest of words
This is the love I have found
And in this love I am found.
I just want you, Jesus
I just want you, my Lord
I just want you, Jesus
I just want you.
- I Just Want You (Planet Shakers)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
What is Worship
Worship is our expression of our love for something.
We can just worship anything. We may worship our parents, our spouses, our partners, our job, our babies, our wealth, our favorite celebrities, or even nature.
As I have learned and have experienced, no worship is more beneficial for me, than worshiping God. After all, where did all those I listed above come from, but God. He is my Maker, He is their Maker.
So I have reserved worship for God and Him alone. Thus, He takes priority, well not even top priority, my Elder says, He is beyond our priorities. He is Supreme.
And the benefits? The word of God says, and this is my favorite verse: "But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides." (Matthew 6:33). ALL THESE THINGS. This assurance has taken away all worries in my life. (Though sometimes, I take back a few, just for some excitement, :)
To Him, be all glory and honor and praise.
Worship song of the day:
You inhabit the praises of your people.
You delight in the glory of your Son
In the love of the Father we will worship
In the kingdom of God we'll find our home ...
Sing out to God, sing Hallelujah
With all we are we will worship You
Holy is your Name, holy is your Name, Oh God
- The Wonder of Your Love (Hillsong)
We can just worship anything. We may worship our parents, our spouses, our partners, our job, our babies, our wealth, our favorite celebrities, or even nature.
As I have learned and have experienced, no worship is more beneficial for me, than worshiping God. After all, where did all those I listed above come from, but God. He is my Maker, He is their Maker.
So I have reserved worship for God and Him alone. Thus, He takes priority, well not even top priority, my Elder says, He is beyond our priorities. He is Supreme.
And the benefits? The word of God says, and this is my favorite verse: "But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides." (Matthew 6:33). ALL THESE THINGS. This assurance has taken away all worries in my life. (Though sometimes, I take back a few, just for some excitement, :)
To Him, be all glory and honor and praise.
Worship song of the day:
You inhabit the praises of your people.
You delight in the glory of your Son
In the love of the Father we will worship
In the kingdom of God we'll find our home ...
Sing out to God, sing Hallelujah
With all we are we will worship You
Holy is your Name, holy is your Name, Oh God
- The Wonder of Your Love (Hillsong)
Praise the Lord!
I have a blog! Hallelujah!
All for His glory! That all men may worship Jesus, who is Lord, King and Master!
Come friends, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our God, our Maker!
All for His glory! That all men may worship Jesus, who is Lord, King and Master!
Come friends, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our God, our Maker!
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