Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Seeking the Healer

"I, the LORD, am your healer." Exodus 15:26 (NAB)

We are all afflicted by one illness or another and it has many forms. The most common is physical illness manifested by pain and discomfort, ranging from 1 to 10 and beyond. The world, taught us early on in our lives to, "call the doctor very quick". Many are the benefits we have received from the wisdom of doctors. Even the Bible honors them...

"Hold the physician in honor, for he is essential to you, and God it was who established his profession. From God the doctor has his wisdom, and the king provides for his sustenance. His knowledge makes the doctor distinguished, and gives him access to those in authority. God makes the earth yield healing herbs which the prudent man should not neglect; Was not the water sweetened by a twig that men might learn his power? He endows men with the knowledge to glory in his mighty works, Through which the doctor eases pain and the druggist prepares his medicines; Thus God's creative work continues without cease in its efficacy on the surface of the earth.
My son, when you are ill, delay not, but pray to God, who will heal you." Sirach 38: 1-9 (NAB)

Therefore it is to God who we must pray to for wisdom whether to go to the doctor, to the druggist or to Him.

When Peachy was discharged from the hospital after giving birth to our Matteo, she was in great pain from her wound. For four days, the pain relievers no matter how strong did not seem to work. I was feeling for her but could not do anything but pray for her.

We both believed in the healing power of the Eucharist. We woke up at 6am to watch the Healing Eucharist on ABS-CBN with Fr. Joey Faller. We claimed her healing. But seems healing won't be instantaneous. It seemed being half awake at the TV Mass did not muster enough faith for healing to come.

It was during the Eucharist I attended in the evening in our parish when I was inspired and with much faith to ask for her healing as the Body and Blood of Christ was being elevated by the priest. And deep in prayer after communion, knowing fully well that, the Lord was with me, I was inspired by the Spirit to lay the hand that received Jesus' body over Peachy.

Reaching home, I almost forgot about it. On my way to the sink to wash my hands before carrying Matteo I remembered the Spirit's prompting. I prayed over Peachy, with much faith that it was God commanding me to do it and it was Jesus in me healing her. For it was Jesus' promise for believers that "They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."  Mark 16:18 (NAB)

Praise the Lord! All her pains and discomforts went away like a devil fleeing from Jesus. Doctors and druggists may have been given the wisdom, herbs and pills may work almost all the time but it is ultimately the Lord who will dispense healing.

The first part of Exodus 15:26 says, "If you really listen to the voice of the LORD, your God..." God's promises oftentimes carry a pre-requisite. Listening to the voice of God is a pre-requisite to healing.

So to receive healing, come into His presence in prayer, in praise and worship, in the Holy Eucharist, in the gathering of fellow Christians, then listen to His voice. Whether He asks you to go to the doctor, or drink a pill or have somebody pray over you, always claim the promise of healing, for God is our Healer.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Matteo Manuel

It's been over a month since the last post and so much has happened.

The wife has given birth to Matteo Manuel Ludovice Nobleza. What an experience for first time parents! And we had God all throughout to guide, lead, support, provide, comfort, deliver, save, help, enlighten, encourage, cheer us.

Feb 1 4am, Peachy already complained of having spotting. At 6am the contractions began. We knew the time was near. At 8am, the contractions was becoming more frequent at almost 5 minutes. We knew we had to go to the hospital. So off we went to St.Luke's Hospital in E. Rodriguez.

The nurses welcomed us into the Admitting Section. Check the heartbeat and blood pressure of the mother, the heartbeat of the baby. They were put on a monitor and the Tracer machine showed good contractions with 5min intervals. Finally the resident did an IE. 1cm. Whew! We were advised to go for a long long walk and come back at 6pm.

And so I had time to bring my sister Reena to the airport on her way back to Dubai. She was sorry that she was not able to see Matteo before leaving.

When we got back to the Admitting Section in the evening, same procedure. Guess what? 1-2 cm. Almost no change. So we were advised to go home. We were to watch out for the breaking of the 'bag of water' and 2-3 minute contractions. So home we went. It was a false alarm.

At 1am, Wednesday, Peach's contractions were getting stronger and timing was almost 4 minutes. I was trying to convince her to wait for 3-minute intervals before going but her cries at the highs of the contractions was more than enough to convince me we needed to go.

So at 130am, we were back at the hospital. Same procedures. 3cm. Why o why? The doctor's advice? Go for a walk. Again? So off we walked around the hospital, kneeled at the chapel in prayer. We prayed to all the saints in attendance at the chapel, Padre Pio (to whom Peachy's friends at Woodrose prayed for the baby's conception), St. Josemaria Escriva (Opus Dei founder, they run Woodrose School where Peach was a dentist), Mother of Perpetual Help, St. Raymund Nunnatus (patron saint of pregnant women and the unborn). We walked back to the parking lot.

We were able to catch some sleep at the car. Little did we know that those short minutes of rest will be God's way of giving us strength to sustain us through labor, delivery and first day with the baby. At 4:30am. Peach was crying out loud at the intensity of the contractions. So alarming it was, I drove in haste to the hospital front lobby. "Lord," we prayed, "this is it. We are no longer going anywhere after this except the delivery room."

The procedures was done. But one thing was alarming to me looking at the Tracer's printout. The baby's heartbeat runs amok at the height of the contractions. The resident doctor thought the monitor is being pushed out of position. But I knew something was wrong because she had to stimulate the baby via a vibrating machine and almost no response. The IE gave the answer. 8cm. She called our OBGYNE and rushed Peachy to the Labor Room. The only thing I was able to hand to her was the scapular rosary. I could not find the Lord of Pardon booklet she planned to bring to the Labor room.

The only thing that I could do now was wait. I went to the chapel again to praise and thank God for listening to our prayers and for guidance and wisdom for the doctors. Before I left the chapel, I lit the candle that come with the St.Raymund Nonnatus chaplet. I prayed that Jesus, the Light, the Bright Morning Star will pave the way for normal delivery, wisdom for Dr. Elsie Pascua and her team.

So wait I did.

At 630 am, somebody called for companion of Patient Nobleza and asked if I had a camera. And asked me to go into the lobby of the delivery room. There I waited and listed to cries of mothers in delivery. I thought that would be Peachy already and the sound of the baby's cries thereafter would be Matteo's, only to see the fashionista Dr. Pascua coming in, still not dressed for the procedures. She said, the baby is almost there. A sigh of relief. When she got out of the doctors' station dressed for the procedures and took the camera, that was when I started praying. The Lord led me to Psalm 91... verses 15-16

Whoever clings to me I will deliver; whoever knows my name I will set on high.
All who call upon me I will answer; I will be with them in distress; I will deliver them and give them honor.
With length of days I will satisfy them and show them my saving power.

I repeated these verses until I almost memorized them and a calm flowed through me.

The agony of waiting ended when at 7:30, Dr. Pascua came out of the delivery room with Baby Matteo, nurse and camera in tow. She handed me our baby, so cute, so beautiful.

She explained that they had to do emergency procedure of vacuum extraction. The cord was around Matteo's neck and his heartbeat was going down. She had to save the baby. and Peachy? she's doing fine. Praise be to God for wisdom!

Oh what a joy to carry one's own flesh and blood. I was trying very hard to shed a tear, but it did not come. The joy was overwhelming.

It is with pride and honor to introduce to you our dear Matteo Manuel.

Song of the Week!

How Great is our God!
Sing with me how great is our God
And all will see how great!
How Great is our God!