Thursday, November 18, 2010

How it all started

Last Nov 14 was my 11th Spiritual Birthday.

I still recall that day I encountered the Lord. It was the third day of the Catholic Life in the Spirit Seminar (CLSS) of The Lord's Flock Community. The past two days of hearing the Word of God from great speakers has already made me excited. Add to it the fact that I had nothing to lose because I had nothing.

Prior to coming to this seminar, I was already at the lowest and darkest moments of my life. Five months prior, I resigned from my second job and found myself risking my daily sustainance on a sales job. I was dependent on the generosity of cousins who was sheltering and feeding me and my sister while I was trying to close my first real estate sale. How did I come to that situation being a UP Diliman graduate and prior to that, Philippine Science High School scholar?

My relationship with my family was far from ideal, not stranged but somehow I felt that I was at the losing end. I was not hitting their expectations, nor them hitting mine.

Besides being unstable financially, I was emotionally unstable. I had been combatting an identity crisis for half of my life then. I felt unloved and unwanted. The friends and clicques I have surrounded myself came and went. The smoke, booze and strobe lights that shone with them have all faded. The nights spent at the videokes a waste.

I had nothing. And in that nothingness I gained everything when I found myself surrendering my self, my life and my being to the Lord Jesus Christ. I surrendered 100%. I gained salvation, eternal life, an Advocate and a promise of full and abundant life. I gained a new family. I gained back my family. I gained back my true self.

The veil was lifted up. The light of Christ drove all the darkness in my life. I was standing on Solid Rock. He completed me by filling all the emptiness in my life. The smile on my face could not be erased for hours!

Thanks to my parents for a solid Catholic background which sustained me in those tumultous years until I found myself again on God's side.  Thanks to Sis. Yolly Miemban who invited me to the seminar, for five months of patiently inviting and praying for me. Thanks to the community who led me in growing spiritually.

All glory, praise and thanksgiving to God who loved and saved me.

Worship Song of the Day

Jesus, Lover of my soul
Jesus,  I will never let you go
You've taken me from the miry clay
You've set my feet upon the Rock
And now I know

I love you, I need you
Though my world may fall
I'll never let you go

My Savior, my closest friend
I will worship You until the very end

(Jesus, Lover of my Soul - Hillsongs)

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