Fire example: wildfires of California - their spread is difficult to control.
God likened the Holy Spirit to Fire.
Supernatural fire is the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Fire indicates the presence of God.
Fire in the burning bush attracted Moses and God spoke from it.
A fire led the Israelites in the evening as they traveled through the dessert.
The fire of the Lord fell on Elijah's sacrifice.
God answered David and Solomon's prayers on separate occasions by fire coming from heaven.
Jeremiah likened his agony to preach to the exilded Israelites to a burning fire from within.
Malachi 3:2-3
Matthew 3: John baptized in water but someone will come and baptize in the Holy Spirit
Acts 2. Tongues of fire fell on the disciples of Jesus at Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Fires can be bad, fires can be good.
What can fire do?
Moving and transforming power.
Burns anything it touches.
Burns anything to ashes.
Burns to create light, burns to create power.
The fire of God will make you glow with enthusiasm. It will wake you up.
The fire of God consecrates us. It brings about conviction.
The fire of Gos is consuming.
The fire of God penetrates.
Acts 2
And tongues spreading out like a fire appeared to them and came to rest on each one of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them. - Acts 2:3-4
Peter set on fire by the Holy Spirit, spoke with power, penetrating their hearts and so were saved.
So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about three thousand people were added. -Acts 2:41
The fire of the Spirit continue to spread to this day.
The fire of the Lord is evident in the healing, interceding, pastoring, worshiping services believers conduct.
Satan tries all the time to stop the fire of the Holy Spirit. He cannot stop this fire. Only if we allow him. If we stifle the Spirit, we are allowing Satan to put out the fire in us.
The Holy Spirit wants to use us. All believers can do great things like what Jesus has done and like what Christian giants and leaders of the community has done and are doing.
The fire of revival will spread if we are the fire that will spread it.
We need to become a flammable substance. We need to be dead to sin. The more we have died to ouselves and to sin like the more dry wood becomes, we can easily be set on fire.
Kindling fire.
Fire is always felt.
God wants to ignite you today. Let us make room for the Holy Spirit.
2nd Topic.
So also it is written, "The first man, Adam, became a living person"; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. -1 Corinthians 15:45
By his great mercy he gave us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, -1 Peter 1:3
The fruit of the old tree is the Adamic nature.
The fruit of the real tree is Holy Spirit.
In the parable of the sower, our heart is the soil. Man is the sower.
What must be planted in our heart is an incorruptible seed and its fruit is the Holy Spirit.
Earth can both be fertile ground or cursed ground. We must be all fertile ground, thus bring forth the fruit and fire of the Holy Spirit.
A tree is so attractive when filled with fruits.
The Lord is the vine, we are the branches and we bring forth the fruit.
We are to receive the anointing today. What are the obstructions to receiving in full the fire of the Holy Spirit. Stones, thistles and shallowness can hinder the word to be infectious in our lives.
Make a room for the Lord. He cannot enter a room with another occupant.
Let us put our life in order. Let us not be careless.
If we do not give room for the Holy Spirit, he will not dwell in you. He wants exclusive rights to our lives. Decide to give the room of our heart to the Holy Spirit. He can remove all the dirts and disorder in our lives. As he plants, the soil can sprout out a plant bearing His fruits.
Are you willing to give Him a room today?
What is blocking you from receiving Him? Doubt? Fear Pride? Ask the Holy Spirit to remove them.
Come Holy Spirit, come.