Friday, March 4, 2011

Five Tasks the Lord Jesus Left Us by Sis Techie Rodriguez

From Evernote:

Five Tasks the Lord Jesus Left Us by Sis Techie Rodriguez

Reading: acts 1:1-11

We are creatures of habit. It is difficult to change a routine.
It is difficult to go out of our comfort zones.
Heb 10:25 - to attend the weekly gathering

Ezek 36:26 God can change our hearts of stone to natural hearts.

God wants to change some part of us, but He cannot do it without our cooperation.

God is a God of order. Rules are important to create that order. It is important to follow the rules and instructions within a community.

We need a change of attitude.

Acts 1 tells us of what Jesus wants us to do.
To wait in Jerusalem.
To wait for the promise of the Father.

Five Tasks Jesus Left.

1. Jesus left the church with an unfinished mission. He gave us the Holy Spirit to continue the work, to be faithful to it.
Mt28:19. Go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit to obey all the instructions I have given you.

Mark 16:15 Go and preach the good news.
Act 1:8 you will receive power.

Jesus told us what to say. We have to proclaim what we have witnessed.

Matthew 10:32 Whoever acknowledges me before me, i will also acknowledge before the
We have to witness by our work, by our consistency in our life.
Malachi 3:6 God is a constant God.

We were called to be the salt and light of the earth. We are called to preserve and shine. You are called to reflect the glory of God, a clear image of Jesus who is in us.

We are to witness by our oneness and our love for others.

We were told to witness to Jerusalem (family, office, neighborhood), Judea (our country) and the ends of the earth.

Turtles. The only way for turtles to make progress is to stick its head out. We need to stick out our heads for Christ.

2. Jesus also left an unchangeable message.

Stages of Jesus Mission.
1. Conquest was predicted in Genesis
2. Early Ministry (Luke4)
3. Conquest by His death on the cross
5. Conquest was extended through the church. 1john 5:19
6. Conquest will be completed by His second coming.

We are more than conquerors.

3. Jesus gave us the Power to accomplish the mission. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and spurs us towards righteousness. The Spirit gives us the power to confront.

Mt 10:19
Jer 20:13
Acts 4:8
Do not be anxious of  what you are going to say

4. Jesus left the church with an unshakeable testimony. Jesus showed his words in action.

Jesus gave us a powerful testimony, by the changes He has accomplished in our lives. When the world sees Gods word alive in us, then we are testifying like Jesus.

Our lifestyle changes witness to this.
Mt5:16 the Lord is glorified by our shining light.

5. Jesus left the chruch with an unchanging promise. He shall return in person, visibly on a cloud.

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