Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Tragedy of Wasting Opportunities by Sis. Techie

From Evernote:

The Tragedy of Wasting Opportunities by Sis. Techie

Luke 14:15-24
"Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God."

Crucial Opportunities
1. To be a servant of God
2. To be a child of God
3. To know God more
4. To support God's work
5. To let God refresh, take care of you and your circumstances
6. To receive word from God, receive God's guidance through prayer

Lot - nephew of Abraham missed the opportunity of being blessed if had stayed with Abraham, Jehazi- servant of Elijah missed the anointing, Demas, Epaphras - companions of Paul

Every opportunity is very important for us. Pray each day for God to bless each opportunity to see the purposes of God.

In our families, don't waste opportunities to express our love, spend time with our family.

Laziness wastes opportunities.

Trials can be wasted if we miss the opportunities to learn the lesson, grow in the character of Christ, endure and be victorious. James 1:2-3

But the God of all grace, He calling us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little, He will perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you . 1 Peter 5:10

Missed Spiritual Opportunities
1. Sermon that' just right for you
2. Time for prayer
3. To wait for God to move
4. A word of encouragement
5. For the Lord to change the direction in our lives
6. Spiritual victories: cutting off sin and bondage in our life, overcoming our flesh, persecution, sickness
7. Evangelism

Thomas missed a lot by his absence the first time Jesus appeared to the disciples: Jesus greeting of Peace, commissioning, Jesus passing through walls.

Opportunities when lost may never be retrieved.
When God says, No, it may be another opportunity waiting.

May we not miss these opportunities especially His final invitation, "Come, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord."

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